The Biggest Mistake To Make on Your Healing Journey

woman. flowers. Biggest mistake on healing journey. christine dostie.

Ever feel like you’ve tried everything on your healing journey? You’ve done Reiki, had energy healing sessions, tarot readings, and yet... something’s still missing? You feel good for a little while but eventually, the old worries and fears creep in, the negative self-talk starts back up or something happens and the pattern is re-activated. Let me share a little secret: the biggest mistake many of us make is thinking healing is something that happens to us, not by us.

Why Passive Healing Doesn’t Work

It's like expecting a potted plant to grow by just putting it in sunlight, but never watering it yourself. Sure, the sun’s essential, but it’s your daily care that makes the plant thrive. Healing works the same way. When you rely solely on others for energy healing or the ‘medicine’, you’re putting the power of your transformation in someone else’s hands. Don’t get me wrong, we all need support. Energy healing sessions, reading, crystals, and other tools can be very useful. Almost all of the time it can be hard to ‘read the label’ when you are inside the bottle. However, if all you are doing is playing with the fun tools and letting others do the heavy clearings and shifting of energy, then this passive approach means you're missing out on the true magic that happens when you actively participate in your own healing.

It is not a cliché to say that you are your best healer, because only you can diagnose and identify what needs the most love and attention - even if you are scared of it, are resistant to it or are actively currently ignoring it. Owning your healing journey

Taking Back Your Power: 3 Action Steps to Start Your Own Healing Work

1. Create a Vision: So many of us know exactly what we don’t want anymore but we struggle to recognize what we do want. It’s important to understand that your cells are always listening and this creates a feedback loop (check out the video below for more info). It’s also important to realize that our brains default to seeking problems and other negative tendencies. Together this creates the “stuckness” many of us feel. The solution is to give your brain something better to move toward. Then every time your brain begins to slip into default, you can actively refocus it toward what you desire.

Not gonna lie - this powerful step is exhausting at first. Especially if you have never really attempted being more active in your consciousness. This is not to scare you off though - I’m all for transparency, knowledge is power and all that - and also, when you engage in this and find it ‘hard’, you will know why. But that’s everything new, isn’t it? And just like everything new, this will get easier and soon become the new ‘normal!’

2. Mindful Movement: Over the years of my own self-healing journey I have come to recognize two truths: 1. Most women spend an inordinate amount of energy in their heads, including me. We, especially if you’re a mom, do a lot of thinking, planning, emotional regulation, check-ins, to-dos, etc not only for ourselves but we care take for those around us. It keeps us in our heads a lot and ignoring our bodies, which can leave us feeling anxious, ungrounded and not supporting ourselves. We forget to eat, drink water, pee - all the things that can help us out. So, make time to connect with your body, listen to it, and show it some love. These days I am a huge supporter of somatic movement, especially through Essentrics. Setting a timer and taking some deep breaths also works!

3. Self-Compassion Practices: Be kind to yourself especially if your inner world currently feels like a dumpster fire or a cluttered, hoarder’s space of past experiences, conditioning, and judgment that feels overwhelming and potentially unsafe. Healing isn't about perfection; it's about progress. Practice self-compassion by speaking to yourself with kindness, celebrating small victories, and forgiving yourself for any setbacks. Check out my last Blog, Your Spiritual Hearth, or an older blog about Morning Routines, for ideas on how to show yourself some love. Remember, small bites and consistency!

Embrace Your Healing Journey

If you’ve stayed with me, then you understand better that the most transformative healing happens when you take an active role in your journey. By integrating these small, manageable steps into your daily life, you'll start to see shifts. You’ll feel more empowered, more in love with yourself, and more aligned with the life you truly desire.

Healing isn't a destination; it's a beautiful, ongoing journey. And the best part? You’re in the driver’s seat.

If you’re looking for a way to get your energy right, try the UnFck Your Energy Bundle!


Discover the Power of Peace: Learn to Weave the Threads of Your Inner Strength


Your Spiritual Hearth: A Sanctuary for Self-Care and Balance