Aura Cleansing Tips: Connecting with the Elements for Energetic Renewal

selenite, woman, sage, palo santo, aura cleansing tips

Feeling sluggish, run down, or affected by emotions that may not even be your own? It might be time to cleanse your aura and rejuvenate your energy. What exactly is your aura, and how can you cleanse it? Let's explore some quick and easy ways to do just that, with the Medicine of the Elements.

What is Your Aura?

Your aura is the energy field that surrounds your physical body, intricately connected to your Chakra system. We are not just physical beings; we are energetic beings, as well. Have you ever walked into a room and sensed that something is amiss or that something great is happening? That's your aura at work. It's also what makes you leave a mall or a public place suddenly feeling drained or get down after you’ve been with someone who has been complaining. These sensations are indications that your aura has accumulated energetic "dust," and it's time to cleanse it.

The Power of the Elements

The elements are an accessible way to relate to our energy systems, which are invisible. They help bridge the gap between our inner and outer worlds, creating a harmonious connection between the two.

Let's explore how each element can help you cleanse your aura and reinvigorate your energetic being:

Water - The Cleansing Flow

Water is highly programmable, making it an excellent tool for aura cleansing. To use water for this purpose, hold a glass of water and say a simple blessing like, "With this water, I cleanse my aura. My aura is now cleansed." Complete the process with the words "And so it is" and then drink the water. Not only does this cleanse your aura, but it also hydrates your body, benefiting your overall well-being.

Fire - Ignite Your Energy

To cleanse your aura with fire, engage in physical movement. Get your arms above your head with your shoulders relaxed and reach as high as you can. Cross your arms to engage both hemispheres of your brain or try some gentle spine-twisting and stretching. Any movement that gets your body moving for a few minutes will not only help with metabolism but also flush out your aura, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Air - Purify with Smoke

For an air-based aura cleansing, use smoke. You can choose to smudge with sage or palo santo, but you can also create your own aura spray with essential oils like Frankincense, Lavender, Citrus, or Cypress. Simply mix a few drops of your chosen essential oil with witch hazel and water in a spray bottle. Spray it around your aura while saying, "With this spray, I cleanse my aura. My aura is now cleansed. And so it is."

Earth - Selenite's Gentle Touch

Selenite, a beautiful crystal, is known for its cleansing properties. Run a piece of selenite over your aura, repeating a similar incantation: "With this selenite, I cleanse my aura. My aura is now cleansed." Selenite's gentle energy helps purify your aura and align your chakras. It also cuts any energetic cords and allows the energy of others to be removed in a gentle way.

Sound - Vibrate Your Aura

Sound and vibration are closely connected to energy. You can use a small singing bowl or any musical instrument to bring the vibration near your aura or areas where energy feels stuck or stagnant. Sound can help dislodge and cleanse these blockages.

Remember that while these methods are physical, they also work on a psychological level. Cleansing your aura essentially tells your inner self that you are safe, that you have permission to be yourself, and that you can come home to yourself. It encourages you to feel grounded, centered, and fully present in the moment. You can take a deep breath, honor your feelings, and most importantly, give yourself permission to belong to you.

Take the first step towards a brighter and more vibrant you. Your aura is your gateway to a world of balance, clarity, and positive energy.


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