Relaxation and Fun for the Manifesting Win!
Does this sound familiar? There is something you’d like to manifest - a new apartment, job, relationship, etc and you are doing ALL.THE.THINGS. You might be saying affirmations, making applications, doing spells, creating visions boards - all the things.
But let me ask you this - are you having fun? Or is it stressing you out? Are you worrying about the timing, as in it’s not happening fast enough. Are you fretting over whether it’s going to look like what is in your imagination?
If this is happening, let’s take a nice deep breath and check in with your body, seeking tension and bringing ease. Let’s break down how manifesting can go a lot better relaxation and fun!
Metaphysical Meets Physical
When manifesting, it’s kind of relevant to understand what’s going on and how it works. Here’s a quick breakdown:
The metaphysical is also known as NOT physical, quantum state, or more locally as “dreams”. It’s basically all the creativity and imagination that is going on in your head, field, soul. When you dream of your desires you will often get excited, motivated, amped up and ready to go make it happen! Like yesterday. It’s the Air and Essence elements so everything is fast and not bound by space, time, or locality. It is the NOW.
The physical state on the other hand is the nearly the opposite. It is dense, slow and looks and feels a lot like inertia as in slow moving or not moving at all. It is annoying slow for the mind and creating reality states and changes can take a long time (way longer than the metaphysical thinks it should).
And, just for manifesting giggles, the space between the two, aka the Border, is patrolled by the EGO whose job it is to keep you the same because somehow it’s programming confused same with safe. I mean one letter off, so maybe I can see it. But what a pain, because it loves to gatekeep metaphysical growth and adventure for status quo sameness. And it’s mean and sometimes crazy - telling you all the bad and horrible things that might happen to you if you let change into your life. Listening to this dreamcrusher will certainly have you defeated in short order.
So what’s a manifestor to do?
Relaxation is the Key
Here are 4 considerations to manifest like a pro:
Relax to receive. I’m not telling you in a condescending way to chill out. I’m saying that manifesting is more an alignment and receiving activity. Manifesting happens when how you feel in your body aligns with how you desire to feel when you acquire the object of your desire. We will talk about actions in a moment, but here I’m inviting you to focus on how dreaming about your desires feels in the body. When we relax we can stretch further. So, play. Have fun. And remember, the gatekeeper, aka your ego, is not going anywhere, so it needs to be lulled into a sense of security so it can chill on the doomsday warnings.
Building on the chilling - take small aligned actions. What does this mean? It means that once you achieve the feeling in your body - and I mean actually achieve it, not check the box that you sat with your dreams for 90 seconds and “played” with it in your mind, I mean truly felt it in your body - THEN, from this opened up space, you can make a plan, but choose only one thing to do at a time. Why? Because timing, which we’ll get to in the next point, but also the Border. Imagine you were at a border crossing and you had a ton of obvious gifts or extras in your vehicle and the guard asks if you have anything to declare, and you’re all, “No sir/ma’am.” Then they look in the back and you get pulled to the side because you were so obvious about it. Rookie. Making small, consistent aligned actions tricks the Border Guard (your ego) into thinking everything is ‘normal’ and the same, so safe. It hardly notices the little changes that are sooner than later going to lead to a big transformation.
As far as timing goes for manifesting - remember that physical reality is dense and makes things go sloooooow, like way slower than you expected and probably hoped for. So if you are looking for immediate results, over night success kind of energy, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. That is also terrain of the ego/monkey mind FYI - the “go,go, go” that leads to burnout, impatience, criticism, anxiety and all sorts of other things that don’t feel good in our bodies which violates the first rule - relax to receive. Give time a break - it’s not real or linear anyway, we just stubbornly choose to view it this way because it appears more orderly and appeasing to the ego. Not actually true though.
The When and How are not really your job so let go of trying to control/will/force that. Seriously. You’re role in manifesting involves continuously redirecting your focus back to the thing you desire and feeling it in your body (a full-time job for the conscious mind), because your thought are powerful magnets and they are attracting all the time. Stay observant to be aware of aligned action nudges and to continuously cut cords to immediate gratification loops, shiny object syndrome and any other distraction the Border might send your way to get you off your main task. The When and the How is the Universe’s part. Plus, if you can dream it, it already exists. It’s just a matter of aligning with the easiest path of receiving it.
Simple, right? (she laughs). On paper, sure. And with practise, yes, it gets easier.
How to Relax?
This is probably the best part of manifesting? Why, because you can’t get it wrong. What calms your nervous system, brings you simple joy? Is it a cup of tea? gardening? exercising? a walk in the woods? coloring? Affirmations? Pulling cards? stretching?
Whatever it is that causes you to feel calm, centered and whole, find a way to do some of it every single day, even if only for a few minutes. AND, and this is important, while you are doing it - intentionally acknowledge how good you feel, that this is what ____ feels like (insert manifesting desire here) and state that this normal. The reason for this is because most of us have a feedback loop created by the Ego and it keeps us focused on problems, worries and concerns.
Relaxing and teaching your body to relax supports a second feedback loop whose purpose is to seek and acknowledge joy, safety, and wholeness. Over time this will reduce stress, reduce the time it takes to deactivate stress in the body, and open you up to consciously seeking potential and opportunities as opposed to problems and fears. Who doesn’t wish for more of that?
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