UnFck Your Energy

Exhale the the BS and calm your tits, Witch. UnFck Your Energy is here to save you from the chaos that feels like it’s taking over your life.

The UnFck Your Energy digital bundle will help you get shit done without constantly feeling stressed or burnt-out so you can feel more energized and create gorgeous memories with those you love.

Let's be real, life can be an absolute dumpster fire sometimes, right? I know you’re a warrior who shows up everyday ready to crush it. But let’s face it, sometimes you are just fcking over it.

So, let’s talk about the chaos. Yes, there is a lot going on, the to-do list in your brain keeps getting longer and you just want to run away, or cry or lock yourself in the bathroom to hide from the people you love but you can’t even pee by yourself, and you are one “mom” away from a breakdown.

And you might be currently laughing at your self-care routine because it’s non-extistent, but why though? It’s not either/or - your needs or theirs. Are you still thinking that in order to be a woman or a mom AND want to take time for yourself that it’s selfish?

Well guess what? With all the love, I’m calling bullshit. 

I bet if I could crawl inside your head for a moment, I might hear things like:

“I’m so tired of being tired and feeling like I’m barely keeping up.”

“The chaos and noise are driving me crazy!”

“Why doesn’t anyone see how much I’m struggling and step up to help?”

“If I hear ‘mom’ one more time, I’m gonna lose it!”

“Why can’t I get it together? I didn’t used to feel so anxious, so rundown, what’s wrong with me?”

Nothing is wrong with you - survival mode is exhausting and it takes its toll. But that’s all about to end. 

There’s a way to help you calm the rage, release the foggy brain or numbness so you can reclaim your energy, protect your peace, and become the boss of calm amidst the chaos.

Just because the outside world can be chaotic and full of potential conflict doesn’t mean your inner world needs to be. You can support others AND take care of yourself.

Introducing the "How to UnFck Your Energy" Digital Bundle. This isn't just a random assortment of tools – it’s your kickass toolbox designed to quickly allow you to feel more in control of your life, your time and your peace. Here’s why you absolutely need this.

Why You Need Balance and Flexibility

We ladies are basically superheroes and warriors – managing careers, families, social lives, and occasionally, our sanity. But all this juggling can leave us feeling like we’ve been hit by a freight train - like if even one more sound, light, or touch comes near us, we might snap! (Breathe) You deserve to feel amazing, in control, and not just getting by, but absolutely thriving. You deserve a space in which to take the armor off and simply be - to reconnect to yourself and relax.

The Importance of Protecting Your Peace

The simple truth is that most of us, me included, started off not knowing what you were doing. Then time passed, life got busy and now you’re stuck in ways of doing things that don’t support your well-being. In fact, not only are they draining, they are probably also making you sick. 

Emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, your well-being hinges on how you manage and protect your energy. This isn’t Woo nonsense. This is science. You are matter AND you are energy. It’s easy to say, “Just let that shit go,” but if you don’t actually know how, it will build up.

Knowing how your energetics operate and where your energy goes is like finding the holy grail. When you’re balanced, your mind is clear, your emotions are in check, your body feels fab, and your spirit is practically doing backflips. In other words, your inner world is at relative peace.

With the "How to UnFck Your Energy" bundle, You Get:

  • Affirmation Cards: Because who doesn’t need a little pep talk to start the day? And immersing yourself in a positive mindset makes it easier to recognize and gatekeep bullshit from others.

  • Two Kickass Meditations: "UnFck Your Chakras" to align your energy and "Let That Shi*t Go" to release stress and negativity. Your energy works like water flowing. You need to maintain the pipes so nothing gets stuck and stagnates. 

  • Gold Star for Not Telling Anyone Off Today Tracker: Keep your cool and give yourself a pat on the back for surviving the day without losing it. Your nervous system and internal world will thank you.

  • Life Hack Book: Practical tips to streamline your life and focus on what really matters. Practice when not stressed and reach for them when you are!

  • Chakra Workbook: Balance those energy centers so you can feel grounded and fabulous. Understood what’s under your energetic hood so you can keep your systems in good order.

  • Energy and Emotions Workbook: Deep dive into harnessing your energy for a happier, healthier you. Learning to control your emotions will change the whole game.

Imagine This Transformation:

  • Feel Energized: Wake up feeling like you can conquer the world (or at least your to-do list).

  • Find Balance: Juggle work, family, and personal time like the boss you are.

  • Embrace Peace: Navigate life's ups and downs with a zen-like calm that will make others wonder what your secret is.

Girl, do this for you. You deserve to feel like your best self every single day. Survival mode is exhausting. No more running on fumes, no more just scraping by. It’s time to reclaim your energy and live the vibrant life you were meant to live.

Don’t let another day pass you by in a state of stress and imbalance. Energy maintenance is easy to implement into your everyday life. Take the first step towards a more balanced, fulfilling life.

Get your "How to UnFck Your Energy" digital bundle now. Reclaim your energy and your life today!

Imagine waking up each day with a clear mind, a peaceful heart, and the energy to take on the world. Your journey to a balanced, fulfilling life starts here.

Why wait? Grab this exclusive bundle! You deserve it, and I can’t wait to see you crush it.


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  • Feeling stuck, angry, or like your life is currently a dumpster fire? The UnF*ck Your Energy bundle clears up your energy and puts you back in control. This bundle provides you with specific hacks and action steps, ensuring you know what to do in multiple situations so you can protect your peace. Plus, it helps you regain control over your energy for lasting benefits.

  • This bundle is perfect for: Women and moms who have to deal with people. Children, spouses, co-workers. It's people who drive us crazy and demand our time and attention - this bundle stops you from losing your sh*t when you get overstimulated and overwhelmed.

  • Getting started is super easy! Once you purchase you will have immediate access to the workbooks, affirmations and audios. Choose the easiest thing for yourself.

  • Because this is a digital product, there are no refunds offered. All sales are final.

  • I can't thank Christine enough for guiding me into a healthier and happier lifestyle.


  • I thoroughly enjoyed working with Christine. I felt comfortable and welcome.


  • Working with Christine is such a fun experience!


  • Working with Christine took my healing journey to the next level!


  • I am calmer, more firm in my decisions and not letting people cross my boundaries.
