Christine Dostie

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Why Resistance Happens and How to Handle It

So, you tell yourself that you desire to quit eating a certain food or take up a new healthy habit. Maybe for a few days you are successful. But all too quickly, you have fallen off the proverbial wagon - the motivation is gone and you can’t bring yourself to continue. What happened?

Resistance happened.

Resistance is a common and often frustrating experience that many people encounter especially when attempting to change old patterns of habit and thoughts. Whether you’re struggling to start a new project, make a change in your life, or just face a challenging situation, resistance can hold you back and prevent you from moving forward. But why does resistance happen, and how can you handle it?

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Understanding Resistance

Resistance can take many forms, from procrastination and self-doubt to fear and anxiety. At its core, resistance is a defense mechanism that your mind uses to protect you from perceived threats. When faced with a new or challenging situation, your mind may see it as a threat to your comfort, security, or sense of identity. To avoid this threat, your mind creates resistance by generating negative thoughts, emotions, and even amnesiac states that prevent you from taking action or derail you after a few days.

Common causes of resistance include fear of failure, fear of success, lack of confidence, and self-doubt. When you feel like you’re not good enough or capable enough to succeed, you may avoid taking action or sabotage your efforts to protect yourself from failure or disappointment. Similarly, when you fear success, you may avoid taking risks or pursuing your goals to avoid the pressure and expectations that come with success.

Perhaps worst of all, resistance keeps you locked in negative, low emotional states, but often you will resist the emotions and dealing with them which only causes the resistance to persist. It’s a closed loop that keeps you stuck.

Handling Resistance

Dealing with resistance requires a combination of self-awareness, self-compassion, and practical strategies. Here are some tips to help you handle resistance:

  1. Recognize your resistance: The first step in dealing with resistance is to recognize it when it occurs. Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors when you feel stuck or avoidant. Notice any negative self-talk, fears, or doubts that may be holding you back.

  2. Practice self-compassion: Instead of judging or criticizing yourself for feeling resistance, practice self-compassion. Remind yourself that resistance is a natural and normal part of the human experience, and that it doesn’t define your worth or abilities.

  3. Reframe your mindset: Challenge your negative thoughts and beliefs by reframing them in a more positive and empowering way. For example, instead of thinking “I’m not good enough to succeed,” reframe it as “I have the skills and resources to learn and grow.”

  4. Take small steps: Break down your goals or tasks into smaller, manageable steps. This can help you build momentum and confidence, and reduce the overwhelm that often leads to resistance.

  5. Create accountability: Find ways to hold yourself accountable for taking action, such as setting deadlines, sharing your goals with a friend, or hiring a coach or mentor. This can help you stay motivated and committed to your goals, even when you feel resistance.

  6. Practice self-care: Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health by practicing self-care. This can include activities like exercise, meditation, journaling, or spending time with loved ones. When you prioritize your well-being, you can better manage stress and build resilience to resistance.

Resistance Doesn’t Stand a Chance

Resistance is part of life and important Shadow Work to engage in because when you overcome resistance you create a powerful opportunity for growth and self-awareness. When you take the time to create a vision for yourself of who you’d be and how you’d feel once you release the resistance, coupled with the above techniques, resistance doesn’t stand a chance. By understanding why resistance happens and learning how to handle it, you can develop and master the skills and mindset which allow you to overcome your fears and doubts, and pursue your goals with confidence and purpose. Remember to be patient and compassionate with yourself, and to take small steps towards your goals, one day at a time. With practice and persistence, you can learn to handle resistance and achieve your dreams.

Sacred Vitality offers many Courses and Resources to help move you past the fear and enter the learning and growth, so you can feel more like your true self.

To learn more about resistance you can also check out this video.

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